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Answers to the Top 3 Common Questions About Renovation Quotations

Find it confusing to go through your renovation quotation? Not sure why you are quoted different prices for the same item across different firms? Wondering which line items, you can try to get some savings from in the quotation? We’ve compiled 3 of the most common questions new homeowners have about renovation quotations and have them answered by our panel of expert interior designers!

Read on to learn more.

Renovation Quotations
Interior Design Firm: Ovon Design

Why Do Homeowners Get Different Quotes for The Same Line Items?

Feeling indignant when you receive quotes with different costs for the same line item? Wondering if some of the contractors are out to cheat your money? 

While those may be some of the common first reactions by new homeowners unfamiliar with renovation works, there are also many other possible reasons for this differential pricing:

  • Different firms work with different suppliers – as different interior design firms work with different vendors to obtain their raw materials and labour; they will naturally incur different costs and this hence affects their pricing to you accordingly.
  • Level of value-added service – not all interior design firms provide the same value of service. Some are a lot more responsive, go the extra mile to accompany you to search for materials and more. Depending on the level of service, they may incorporate additional costs for man hours incurred.
  • Different interpretations of your requirements – Some designers incorporate better quality materials versus others and that can impact the cost.

Tip: Be as detailed in your line items as possible, including the type of materials, so you can have a fairer like-for-like comparison across the board.

Interior Design Firm: Ideasxchange

What Are the Most Expensive Line Items in a Renovation Quote?

Working on a tight renovation budget? Here are some of the costliest line items you need to look out for, and possibly cut down on:


  1. Tiling Works – Any kind of tiling works, whether for the flooring or wall, is usually incredibly costly due to tiles being an expensive component and also the manpower required to meticulously lay out the tiles by hand.
  2. Hacking Not only is significant manual labour required (which is expensive), you also need to pay for the disposal fee to dispose of the debris after.
  3. Carpentry – This can get expensive due to the quality of materials and craftsmanship involved. 

Check out our article on “8 Renovation Saving Tips for Your HDB Flat” to learn how you can stretch your budget especially on these expensive line items

Interior Design Firm: The Interior Place

How Much of My Renovation Quote Should I Pay Upfront?

The short and simple answer here is NOT 100%. 

Make sure you discuss and agree on a payment schedule with your contractor or interior designer upfront, paying a certain percentage as and when a portion of the works are completed.

While schedules may differ between companies, a deposit of 10-15% before work commences is quite common.

Find A Trusted Interior Design Partner

When it comes to renovation projects, you want to find someone you can trust and who is transparent about the work they do. 

At Redbrick Homes, our pool of 200+ expert interior designers has been specially curated to give you just that peace of mind!

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